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DX Expeditions for September 2016


Since we had very little to report due to the terrible bands I have what we can expect, maybe in September. Keep in mind this information is not set in stone, it may change, be cancelled, or never happen. Let's see what we have on tap for the coming month.

JT5NH 9-1 to 9-4 short operation if you need Mongolia or Zone 23 keep your ears open for this one.

T8 no call issued as of this date 9-1 to 9-7.

J28PI supposed to be beginning on 9-1 and continue for three years, maybe longer good chance of this one.

VP6AH another effort with Pitcarin, this one is a Holiday style operation, and I do not put too much faith in them, on off, off more then on and irregular hours, frequencies etc

D66D 9-18-9-30  all band effort we will see what happens?

VK9LN well what can we say 9-20 to 9-27 last effort the group did little operating and what little it was amounted to about two contacts a day, big let down.

E6 9-20 to 9-29  we will see what happens with this one as well.

There is another T32 operation planned, seems like there has been a lot of T32, very little T30 and nothing from T31, not sure why this is so, perhaps access to the other two are limited. It seems someone would want to operate from T31 for a rare one.

You may have noticed the A5 operation never happened and the XX9 has never been heard in this part of the U.S. The few stations that did work him were on the West coast. Signal reports were 559 or 549 nothing stronger then the listed reports. Perhaps ten watts to a wet string just does not cut it. Only a hand full of contacts were made from XX9, station has not been spotted on any band for days. There are more expeditions in the works, but they were the more common DX and  not the rarer ones. Good luck and great DX


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