Forum List > DX Reports

DX Report 8/18/16


We have just a couple to report.

A41KJ 14.217 0430Z

7Y9LI 18.125 1830Z this is a special prefix for Algeria, not sure what the special event is, but sure the ops can tell you.

Twenty meters showed some promise for about an hour opening to Asia, this occurred around 1300Z till about 1400Z.

Several stations were worked, DU1, UA9,7J1, plus a few Japanese stations, nothing rare, but the bands were open. One E21 was totally deaf, lots of stations calling, but nothing in the way of response, he just started calling CQ again and again.

Later on in the day we did work OJ0DX signal was about 579, this was Market Reef, we have worked this island a few times, but wanted to check the propagation to see if indeed they were workable.

OJ0DX runs mostly CW, has a good signal from a tall lighthouse. Other then the ones listed, not much else, 15 is pretty dead and so is ten. Nothing again on six, we may not see any more openings on that band until fall.


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