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DX Report 7/6/16


Band shows no life and I am meaning twenty, until late evening, just nothing but band noise all day. Of the few that are making a signal at night are for the most part S79V. This station is only on late in the evening. In his part of the world it is early morning, he runs for about thirty minutes and then gone.

Did copy one or, two VK stations, one Japanese and that was it. Stay tuned, but if you have some antenna chores to do, might be a good time to do them while the bands are dead. As far as six meters, forget it, not a peep on that band, seems the propagation is in a certain area and nothing more. Did copy a burst of someone with pretty good signal on 50.110 up and gone in a few seconds.

There were some spots of HK stations, nothing heard. Also, special event station 6Y6M out of Jamaica, nothing ever heard on this end, but several stations in he South East worked him. Otherwise, six is totally dead in this area.


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