Forum List > DX Reports

DX Report 5/22/16


Only thing that stirred some interest was TN2MP good signal on 14.008 22;40Z

There have been just a few spots for VK9NT, plus in the works is an operation from Lord Howe. However, if these two are like the last few attempts to operate, well write them off. We shall see what happens?

We have heard nothing of 8Q7, and just a few spots for E44, not enough to stir up much interest.

Looks like the month of May has not been good for ham radio dxing, dead bands, twenty barely open fifteen and Ten dead.

Another mention of a few things in regards to DXscape or other cluster sites, Self spotting is a big NO NO! Help stamp out self spotting!

Remember, the sites are for listing DX stations and you are not DX. Also, I have to wonder about the frequent posting of
K3JP on 14.080 by N8GU. this turns up now and then. It also states via QZ6TZR, we are not sure what pleasure this person gets out of the posting? Maybe he has nothing else to do with his time, yet is turned loose with a computer.

With that, let's hope for Monday conditions will be much better, doubtful, but hope springs eternal!


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