Author Topic: EXPERT 1.3 Linear Amp  (Read 6309 times)


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EXPERT 1.3 Linear Amp
« on: May 10, 2016, 11:35:30 PM »
In one of my previous articles I told you about the apparent attempt to rip off hams by the so called sale of this product. I have wanted to do a follow up article and have been busy with a monumental ham radio project.

I am happy to say my money was refunded by the now defunct outlet run by Larkins and White. It was not easy since I contacted about every law enforcement agency in Texas including the local police.

There are still few people that have not received their entire investment, I for one felt lucky and pursued this like a cat after a mouse.

In the mean time, I have rethought my attitude and gave another Texas outlet a chance namely Expert Linears America in Magnolia, Texas, I placed my order for the 1.3 unit, well do I have it? No, another delay after the Larkins White debacle however, delivery date is June, or July.

In this case I have an invoice I have ordered the product, no money is due until the amp arrives and is shipped. A much better operation then the previous one. This operation is run by Bob Hardy W5UQ and also offers service if you need it.

Thing is, I had wanted to be fully solid state with both of my stations, I plan to use this amp on six, or 40 and should anything happen to my THP at some point, well I got a back up unit.

The big problem with Expert is the demand exceeds the supply, from what I know each amp is made to order based on how many sold. Unlike other suppliers who have stock sitting on the shelf. The positive side of this amp is its small size and low driving power to produce full legal limit.

Unlike other amps on the market you can connect two radios at a time to the amp, you select which rig you want. This will work fine for my second station, I plan to use my FT 2K on six and my FT 5k on 40. My main rig is a TS 990 driving a THP HL 2.5 for 20.15.10.

Although, there has been little action on six for a year, or longer we will be prepared when the band does open, after all I want a crack at a KH6 the only state needed on that band.

I will upon receiving the Expert give a full review and let you know what I think. Keep in mind, if you are in a big hurry to buy an amp and do not wish to wait a long time there are several on the market today.

As we say, stand by for more info shortly.