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DX Report 4/11/16


A few items of interest, 8Q7NT operation April 5th to 17th so far has not happened.  There is an XU7 operation planned, April 12 to the 19th, we will see what happens with that one?

VK0EK lost cause, nothing ever heard of this station on 20 meters the log information was picked up by a couple of other dxers, it showed 52% of their contacts were Europe. North America had a meager 19%,and Asia made up the rest.  what does this say to us? One, either little to no propagation, or NA was ignored for the most part. that is some of the feelings in the dx world.

There is another VK9 operation to Lord Howe Island scheduled, but if this one is no better then past operations, well the chances of a contact may be scant.

FT4JA has folded up their tent, so if you did not get this maybe next time?

VK9CK gone, big joke on the dx community, hardly any operating time, most ops spent the time playing golf. 

There is another operation planned from EP land, more on that later. Stay tuned!


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