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Dx Report 4/6/16


Looking over the bands we find very little in the form of rare ones, in fact find few semi rare ones due to lousy propagation.

It appears that many stations in various parts of the country cannot hear the VK0 from Heard island. I for one have never heard them on any band, but I do not need them on 20 meters, or 40. A few years ago VK0HI was on and produced many contacts. We had hoped with this operation there would be a chance on 15, so far nothing.

In fact the joke of the day is many guys are calling it "Unheard Island" and that about sums it up.

The next event is 9M0 and operation from Spratley, Islands, this is an iffy one, last time a group of hams were ordered off the island, not sure of whose Army it was, since these are disputed islands of various countries. This one may fly, or sink, we shall see what happens. In the mean time FT4JA did have a very good signal at my location on 15 two days ago. We grabbed this one on ssb and CW as well.

In the next twenty four hours let's see if the bands improve, or remain lousy?


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