Forum List > DX Reports

DX Report 1/09/16


Again terrible bands, we do have a scant few to report.

TZ4AM 7.001 up 0510Z this one is active for a few contacts, that is it.

FK8DD 10.119 0620Z

JD1BMh 21.029 2345.

Now let's clear up some confusion, it seems we are getting some confusing reports on DX scape as to the station being heard is ZL9A or 3B9FR, Personally being a cw man I cannot see how this confusion erupted a Z and 3 are different, a B and L sound  nothing alike.

Thing is, DX scape is nice to have, but use your ears and not the computer all the time. Most who thought they worked ZL9A and not 3B9FR are going to be in for a surprise when they receive their request back marked NIL


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