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DX Report 11/12/15


Pitiful band conditions, only two noted.

HH2/N5JR  7.008 up 1050Z If you have the opportunity to work this operation do so, it has been some time since a resident op of Haiti has operated. Some years ago HH2V was very active and this was an easy country. Of course we all Know what happened to this island nation.

TZ4AM 7.001 0650Z.

That is about it, I did find a somewhat meager opening to Europe on 20 working four stations from 1610Z to 16:30Z, plus working 3DA0TM on 14.213 at 2021Z. Otherwise, the bands were dead and virtually nothing on 15 or ten.

Well, hope old Santa drops some needed item of ham radio in your sock.. Stay tuned.


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