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DX Bulletin 11/27/15



ARLD047 DX news

QST de W1AW 
DX Bulletin 47  ARLD047
>From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  November 25, 2015
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD047 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
CO8TW, F8DVD, W3UR, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The
Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest
Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks to all.

TUNISIA, 3V.  Ash, KF5EYY will be QRV as 3V8SS in the CQ World Wide
DX CW contest on all bands.  QSL via LX1NO.

AZERBAIJAN, 4K.  Alim, 4K6FO will be QRV in the CQ World Wide DX CW
contest on all bands.  QSL via DC9RI.

MALAWI, 7Q.  Karl, DK2WV is QRV as 7Q7VW from the Radio Dinosaur FM
station in Karonga until December 2.  Activity is on 160 to 6 meters
using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL to home call.

CHINA, BY.  A large group of operators will be QRV as BY5CD in the
CQ World Wide DX CW contest as a Multi/Multi entry.  QSL direct to

EASTER ISLAND, CE0Y.  Yan, RZ3FW and Sergey, R4WAA are QRV as
CE0Y/RZ3FW and CE0Y/R4WAA, respectively, from Cabanos Honu Nui, IOTA
SA-001, until December 2.  Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using
mostly CW with some SSB and digital modes.  This includes being
active as a Multi/Single entry in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest.
QSL via operators' instructions.

CUBA, CO.  Juna, CO8TW will be QRV in the CQ World Wide DX CW
contest as a Single Op/Single Band/Low Power entry on 20 meters.
QSL to home call.

FRANCE, F.  Francois, F8DVD will be QRV with special event call
TM21COP from November 29 to December 13 during the 21st session of
the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.  Activity will be on
40 to 10 meters using SSB.  QSL via operator's instructions.

GUINEA-BISSAU, J5.  Livio, IZ3BUR is QRV as J52HF from the Cumura
Hospital until December 10.  Activity is in his spare time mainly on
20, 15, 10 and 6 meters using SSB and PSK31.  QSL via I3LDP.

OGASAWARA, JD1.  Take, JA1UII is QRV as JD1BON from Chichi-Jima
Island, IOTA AS-031, until December 5.  Activity is on 80 to 6
meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  This includes being active in the CQ
World Wide DX CW contest.  QSL to home call.

MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0.  A group of operators will be QRV as AH0K from
Tinian Island, IOTA OC-086, in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest.  QSL
via OH6GDX.

ARUBA, P4.  John, W2GD is QRV as P40W from Santa Cruz until December
1.  Activity is on the HF bands using CW and SSB.  This includes
being active in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest as a Single Op/All
Band/Low Power entry.  QSL direct to N2MM.  In addition, look for
Tom, K1KI, Stephen, K6AW, Robert, N5KO and John, W6LD to be QRV in
the contest as P40L.  QSL via WA3FRP.

PALAU, T8.  Kiichi, JF1LUT will be QRV as T88IK from the VIP Guest
Hotel on Koror Island, IOTA OC-009, from November 30 to December 6.
Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters using SSB.  QSL to home call.

KALININGRAD, UA2.  Members of the UA2 Contest Club will be QRV as
UA2F in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest.  QSL via operator's

ANTIGUA, V2.  Bud, AA3B is QRV as V26K until November 30.  Activity
is on the HF bands using CW.  This includes being active in the CQ
World Wide DX CW contest as a Single Op/All Band/Low Power entry.
QSL to home call.

MICRONESIA, V6.  Sho, JA7HMZ  plans to be QRV as V63DX from Pohnpei
Island, IOTA OC-010, from November 27 to December 5.  Activity will
be on the HF bands with a focus on 160 meters.  This includes being
active as V6A in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest.  QSL direct to
home call.

INDIA, VU.  Pai, VU2PAI will be QRV in the CQ World Wide DX CW
Contest as a Single Op/All Band/High Power entry.  QSL direct to
home call.

INDONESIA, YB.  Dennis, K7BV will be QRV with members of the YE2A
Team during the CQ World Wide DX CW contest as a Multi Single/High
Power entry.  QSL via operators' instructions.

EL SALVADOR, YS.  Members of the Club de Radioficionados del El
Salvador are QRV as YS90IARU until December 31 in celebration of the
90th anniversary of the IARU.  Activity is on all HF bands.  QSL via

ALBANIA, ZA.  Operators Barichek, YU7CM, Keki, YT7DQ and Tibor, YT5Z
are QRV as ZA/home calls on 160, 40, and 10 meters, respectively,
until December 1.  This includes being active in the CQ World Wide
DX CW contest as Single Band entries.  QSL ZA/YT5Z via YU1FW and all
others to home calls.

OPERATIONS APPROVED FOR DXCC CREDIT.  The following operations are
approved for DXCC Credit:  Togo, 5V7BJ and 5V7MP, 2014 operations;
Bhutan, A52CVX, 2015 operation; Ogasawara, JD1BOX, 2014 operation;
Benin, TY4AB, 2015 operation; Benin, TY2AC, operation running from
2015 to 2018; and Marshall Islands, V73D, 2015 operation.

CW Contest and NCCC Sprint are all on tap for this weekend.  Please
see November 2015 QST, page 91 and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web
sites for details.


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