My days with a dipole were back in the late 50's and early 60's I had a dipole for 15 mounted in the attic of my mother and Father's home. It was about 30 feet up, not very tall in comparison as to the antenna system I have today With this antenna and 65 watts I worked into Europe and South America, my first dx station was Puerto Rico and was I surprised.
In my early days of ham radio, I tried several antennas, some good, some makeshift, but my record for this was I used a wire coat hanger suspended by a shade tassel in my ham shack up stairs in my mother and dad's house in Louisville. I just sent my call a few times in the Novice band of 80 meters, this was 1956 my first year of being a ham.
To my astonishment a station called me and he was located in North Carolina,now over 600 miles on a coat hanger! Any comments on that?