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DX Comments 10/18/15


Looks like a RTTY contest going on this weekend so once all the dust clears from that we can resume regular reporting on Monday. The TX3X operation is now history, if you missed it, catch it the next time. The OQRS system is open for qsling and is much better then regular mail. You can if you wish give a donation and I would encourage it.

S79SP also has folded up their tent, qsl via OQRS only thing about this operation good ops when they were on, just not on very much overall. We did catch them on 15 for a new band country, but no where else. Had hoped for ten meters, did not happen.

V73D is on the scene working lots of stations, but some are suspicious of the operation on ten meter cw, no call was sent in over thirty minutes. Although, I did not need this entity we did work it on ten, or maybe it was a pirate. We will check the Club Log later and see if we are listed.

Next weekend is the ARRL contest Phone, so we plan to work a few stations in the contest, much more in cw.

The next big effort coming is VK9WA on Willis Island and this will happen in November. Past efforts have been feeble and on only a few minutes a day, hope this one is running on many bands and on for long periods.

E51MQT continues to give out contacts, we are hopeful of a ten meter contact, but every time he shows up, we are not near the rig. Oh well, that is DX.

We did work E30FB on 15 meters for a new band country, this one goes via M0URX E30FB will be active for a few days, good luck on the chase.

Back Monday.


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