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DX Report 9/14/15


Had a conversation with two avid contest stations about the weekend propagation. I for one did not work anyone since the bands were so poor and saw little reason to struggle with a contest. There is nothing I need in Europe, so not really eager to work the contest.   The German Radio club sponsors the award of WAE and the contest. Thing is, I found the website and wanted to know what the requirements were to obtain the WAE certificate. One Big problem the web site is in German and I have not found an English translation, if I do will publish it in another column of this web site.

Now for DX, what little there is of it:

FK8CE 7.010 1045Z.

C6ANT 10.105 0140Z.

Nothing much else on the bands, 20 to 6 pretty dead and only a few stations making it. I do not look for any D6 activity since it is supposed to take place from the 14 to 23 of September. Nothing heard as of this date. Keep you posted on this one, but do not hold your breath..


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