Forum List > DX Reports

DX Report 6/7/15


Looks like this weekend are several contests going on at one time. Asian contest, something in Europe and several qso parties from various states. Couple this with the special event stations on as well, you get the picture. Not much, if anything to report unusual or notable.

Day before I copied HS0ZCW on 15 meters with a ten over nine signal at my location. Lots of callers since he was the strongest signal on the band. Check 21.279, up one or two. With continued poor propagation into next week we will resume regular reporting on Monday due to all the contests taking place.

Cards received, V63DX, TY1AA, K1N cards for all contacts showed up the other day. I had mentioned I did receive one card for 40 meters, but nothing else. After recontacting N2OO and providing a log of my contacts, I received all the bands I worked the expedition on and that was four needed bands.

Let's see what next week brings us?


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