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DX Report 6/1/15


The WPX contest is over thank goodness that the bands will return to normal operation. I applied for the CQ WPX award some time ago, it took a year to be issued. Once I got it, big disappointment in the award that consumed a lot of time to do the paper work. The WPX award plaque from EQSL is much better as an impressive award, then the paper from CQ.  So be it, if you are in to hunting prefixes this was your weekend.

Now as to DX... Pretty sad in the last few hours.

AH0K 10.120 up 1 0940Z.

VK9L/DL1YAF this one has shown up for a few contacts, 14.030 0630Z.

5W1SA 28.023 2155Z.

Let's hope for better days.


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