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DX Bulletin 5/21/15



ARLD020 DX news
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Today at 5:45 PM
ARLD020 DX news

DX Bulletin 20  ARLD020
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  May 21, 2015
To all radio amateurs

ARLD020 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
G3VOF, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL,
Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites.  Thanks to all.

GUINEA, 3X.  Michael, PA5M is QRV as 3XY5M from Conakry.  Activity
is on the HF bands.  His length of stay is unknown.  QSL via PA7FM.

KENYA, 5Z.  Members of the Italian DXpedition Team are QRV as 5Z0L
from Nairobi until May 31 to mark the occasion of the 6 meter band
being opened for amateurs here.  Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using
CW, SSB and RTTY with three stations active.  QSL direct to I2YSB.

OMAN, A4.  Khalis, A41OO has been active using RTTY on 20 meters
around 2130z and then later at 0030z.  QSL direct via A61BK.

FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, DA.  Special event station DM700BURG is
QRV until April 30, 2016 to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the
village of Burg.  QSL via DF1XC.

IRELAND, EI.  Dave, EI9FBB and Jeremy, EI5GM will be QRV as EJ9FBB
and EJ5GM, respectively, from Little Saltee Island, IOTA EU-103,
from May 23 to 25.  Activity will be on 40 to 6 meters using CW and
SSB.  QSL to home calls.

IRAN, EP.  Mohsen, EP3SMH has been active using RTTY on 15 meters
around 1500z.  QSL direct to home call.

SAINT MARTIN, FS.  Otis, NP4G will be QRV as FS/NP4G from May 24 to
29.  Activity will be on 20 to 10 meters using CW and QRP power.
QSL via NP3O.

ENGLAND, G.  Special event station GB6GEO is QRV until May 23 from
the Prehistoric Caves of Kent's Cavern, Torquay, to promote
geological heritage to the general public.  Activity is on 80 to 2
meters using SSB and FM.  QSL via G3VOF.

REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HL.  Han, DS2GOO will be QRV as DS2GOO/4 from
Chuja Island, IOTA AS-084, from May 27 to 29.  Activity will be on
80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and various digital modes with low
power.  QSL to home call.

GRENADA, J3.  Operators KE1B and W6NN will be QRV as J38MM and
J38NN, respectively, from May 23 to 31.  Activity will be on 40 to
10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL to home calls.

MONGOLIA, JT.  Special event station JT150ITU is QRV until December
2015 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the International
Telecommunications Union.  QSL direct to JT1CD.

MARKET REEF, OJ0.  Pasi, OH3WS will be QRV as OJ0W from May 23 to
31.  Activity will be in his spare time on 40 to 10 meters using CW
and SSB.  QSL to home call.

DENMARK, OZ.  Tom, DL7UZO will be QRV as 5P9Z/p from Romo Island,
IOTA EU-125, from May 23 to 31.  Activity will be on the HF bands
with a focus on CW and RTTY.  QSL to home call.

ARUBA, P4.  Dave, N4QS and Dave, NU4N will be QRV as P4/home calls
from May 26 to June 2.  Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using
CW, SSB and various digital modes.  This includes entries in the
upcoming CQ WPX CW contest.  QSL to home calls.

POLAND, SP.  Members of club station SP5POT are QRV with special
event call SN2015PPJB until August 8 during the context of the
Polish Junior Cup Baggi from near Grojec.  QSL via SP5POT.
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA, V2.  Tim, W3ATB is QRV as V25TV from Antigua
while here on business.  Activity is on the HF bands with QRP power
and CW in his spare time.  QSL to home call.
BURKINA FASO, XT.  Harald, DF2WO is QRV as XT2AW from Ouagadougou
until June 25.  Activity is on the HF bands using CW and PSK.  He
may schedule QSOs on 6 meters.  QSL via M0OXO.

INDONESIA, YB.  Imam, YB4IR/7, Yunus, YB7NUS/p and Usay, YB7KE/p are
QRV from Marabatuan Island, IOTA OC-268, until May 25.  Activity is
on the HF bands.  QSL via YB4IR.

ALBANIA, ZA.  Henning, OZ1BII will be QRV as ZA/OU2I from Durres
from May 26 to June 2.  Activity will be on the HF bands.  This
includes an entry in the upcoming CQ WPX CW contest.  QSL via
operator's instructions.

Ladder, Kazakhstan DX Contest, Portuguese Navy Day Digital Contest,
European BPSK63 DX Contest and the Baltic Contest are all on tap for
this weekend.  The SKCC CW Sprint, UKEICC 80-Meter SSB Contest and
CWops Mini-CWT CW Test are scheduled for May 27.  Please see May
QST, page 82 and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details.
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