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NON QSL list


Over the years I have collected a large number of qsl cards, I prefer paper cards over the e cards, but can understand the expense and postal rates that are ever climbing.

I will publish on a regular basis those who have never responded to a card request, I am sure you have some as well and be glad to post them on this web site. My list are as follows:

VU2BGS this op showed up for a few contacts, worked him on 15 and 10, sent card direct and two things happened. One, never received a qsl after a year, second never heard this station again.

9K2MU been trying for several years to obtain a qsl from this station for a contact on 40 meters. He does respond to EQSL and QRZ, but has quit sending paper cards. Save your money.

9Y4VU this one claims postal problems on the island although I worked a second op and received a card back with no problem. Again, save your money.

HC2SL another one you never hear from at all. I have had other dxers tell me this station has not responded as well, keep your $$$.

4X6TT I worked this fellow on ten meters, sent a card direct, no card as of this date and qso is a few weeks old. Station did respond via e QSL and QRZ.

VU4KV and VU4A nothing in over a year, not holding my breath on this one, badly run expedition and no one taking care of the qsl chores. State side manager has not responded at all, so save your money.

As to Lebanon, if you work any one else other then OD5ZZ forget a qsl it will never make it to the op. OD5ZZ has a state side manager and the response is quick. Others, keep your money in your pocket.

ZP6CW I sent this one direct and have never gotten a thing back in the snail mail. I did receive e card, but no paper card has ever surfaced.

Sending any direct mail to South America is risky for the most part and response seldom happens, bureau works much better.

Cuban requests, well it depends on if the station has a qsl manager, do not waste your time, cards, or money to qsl direct to Cuba. Some have qsl managers in the states, others in Europe. Save your dollars, this is an easy country to work, so work one until you find a state side manager.

FW5JJ several qsos dating back a year or longer and no response. Not sure if the mail is only delivered once now and then, or just what is going on, but others have reported as well no response. It is up to you at this point.

These are a few on my list and as time goes by I will have more I am sure.


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