Author Topic: Comments on P5 proposed operation.  (Read 1271 times)


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Comments on P5 proposed operation.
« on: March 15, 2015, 01:11:41 PM »

It appears some activity might occur from North Korea (P5) however, I am not holding my breath on this one. So far the limitations according to the article written in indicate there will be severe restrictions. Only three bands, a vertical antenna at best and I imagine the power level will be 100 watts or less, there may be frequency limitations as well.

The idea of trying to operate with two armed guards standing next to me  is not the place I would want to be at all. Some years ago when the country of Burma was in political turmoil there were a couple of ham stations operating and during this period of time they were guarded by two armed guards anytime they operated. I was lucky enough to work these stations and have the QSL card. I would not have wanted to operate from Burma at that time for any amount of money.  As a result of all this the country changed its name to Myanmar and there is some activity now and then.

Prior to May 14,1995 North Korea was not a separate entity and at that time HM stations were in the North and HL in the South. I have several cards from HM stations, so the real estate was worked. However, only contacts after May 14.1995 count for North Korea as a separate country.

With the planned operation in 2016 according to the article only three bands will be permitted with limited  antennas at best. One can imagine the bedlam on the bands if this station is audible at all in the states. Since the only other operations from P5 were Marty, OH2BH for just a few hours some years ago and a Russian Op I have forgotten his call did operate for about six months. He was very limited with antenna and power levels ,In fact only one band and one frequency was allowed, so the only stateside ops who heard him were the West coast and that was 55 at best.  The Russian Op was shut down and asked to leave the country on a short notice and nothing has been heard since that time.  Try as I might I never heard a peep from this station even at times when it was known he was on the air. I could hear the stations on the West coast calling, but the pile up was sparse. Copy was very difficult even on the West coast with the rest of country hoping they could hear something.

I applaud the effort mentioned in QRZ, but for a serious operation we need a two week run, or a month long run, many ops from various countries. I just do not see that happening in the near future with the present regime of North Korea. Who would want to go to a country that you could be shot, or sent to prison for minor infractions?  It is not safe for most to attempt to go to, or operate from North Korea.

Until that time comes, well this proposed single man operation will leave a lot to be desired and the chances for most of us to work him are slim to none and Slim left town. But, then again never underestimate the ingenuity of ham operators and the will to succeed.