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DX Report 2/10/15


Looks like K1N is still running full steam and making large amounts of contacts. In this scenario you will have those who are pleased and those non dxers that will complain. Some will be stepped on while others rejoice. Since there is limited time to operated from the Island, it would seem we can put our differences aside for another week. After all, the expedition will wrap up by the weekend.

With that said, I have only two stations to list since anything else has not shown up on the bands due to K1N.

ZL7/F8FUA 18.070 0300Z.

YC8UTI 21.032 2245Z.

I have seen a lot of comments on DX scape some good, some bad, at least some of the self spotters have vanished for a while with the exception of one W4 who posts every contact he makes and ends with LOTW.  All stateside contacts, again DXscape is for posting of DX stations, it is not for self spotting, E mail, log posting, or state side to state side contacts. Oh well some fail to learn the basics and jam up the web site with pointless information. 

I will have some comments about the K1N operation once they conclude their expedition, we shall see what happens in the coming weeks?


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