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DX Report 2/9/15


Now that the contests are over for the weekend we can get back to regular reporting.

As you know K1N has another week on the island, I am not going to attempt to list all the bands, frequencies and times this station has been heard, it would take me to the wee hours of the morning. Just look for the pile up and move down until you find K1N.. Ok what else do we have in the DX world?

MW0FY 7.003 0240Z.

4J6RO 7.006 0210Z.

KG4HI 10.107 0320Z this is Gitmo,  Have not heard any of them on 20. A few contacts now and then operation.

JW9JKA 18.147 2350Z.

HS5SRH 21.315 0220Z.

BTW worked K1N on 40 meters with no problems of intentional QRM contact 530AM local time or 11:30Z. I listened to K1N for some time after the contact and no one was causing them problems. On another note we still have not seen any response from the VU4  operations, seems the qsl chores are as lax as the operation.. Oh well, maybe another time, another place.

9K2MU qsls via electronic means only, good for that, but you are wasting your money and cards sending direct. No response at all. The next biggest event is Juan Fernandez around the end of the month, this one states it will be an all band operation and ten ops, we shall if they operate indeed, or not?


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