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DX Report 2/4/15


Looks like K1N is on every where and the normal dx stations are trying to work them with not much activity from any where else. Pick your band, or pick many for this one, they got it covered. I must comment on the cw ops, they are superlative, one op last night was knocking them off at 45 wpm!  I hope some ten meter operation takes place during the two weeks. it would be a good one on ten and a a needed one for me.

Just a reminder guys, if you are not sure how to split your rig transmit and receive, might be a good time to get out the old manual and figure it out.. It is not hard, K1N is using about a 5 to 10 split, you may even use your RIT, or XIT, instead of a second vfo, but that is up to you. Main point, do not call on the transmit frequency of K1N you will cause unnecessary qrm to the expedition, or worse gain the wrath of the self appointed band cops!

For those of that are night owls, K1N is on 7.022.6 up 5 to 10. We will in the next few days publish various frequencies and copy ability, so far been good on 40, 20, 15. I plan to check the lower bands in the next few days.

NOTE NOTE.  K1N was on ten meter ssb and cw, we got a ssb contact this morning at 1522Z so for me that wraps this one up for five bands. I have worked three of those in previous expeditions. Keep in mind, it makes no difference if you work them in the first day, or the last day of the expedition, it counts the same, no extra points! 

For those of you that have not worked them somewhere, give this about a week the pile ups will thin out and it will be a lot easier.

There was some rumor about six meter operation, but I think it would be a wasted venture. Nice thought tho.


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