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Looks like the expedition is up and running, heard them well on 40 meters last night 7.023 up 5 to 10 well into the late night hours. Excellent cw ops and this one is starting out fine with no problems.Of course you had your collection of idiots on 40 with intentional qrm and the self appointed band cops.. I did not attempt to work them on 40 since I already have it confirmed from other expeditions. I did however work them on 20 a needed band at 1250Z 14.022.2 up 10.

This operation is not fully set up as yet, hopefully we will get a shot on ten meters, the last needed band for our DX challenge.

Be sure you know how to split your rig's vfo,they are not listening on their transmit frequency. Let's see what develops in the next few days?


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