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Expeditions for February


There are several good ones on the list for the month, I selected the ones that are most likely to show activity, the holiday type operations are hit and miss at best. So, what do we have?

K1N 2/1/-2/14. info Says no ten meter CW, I assume they will run ten ssb. Big mistake no cw on ten.

XW8BM 2/5/ -2/25.

KG4 no call listed this may be by op call and there are several that have KG4 calls. 2/6/2/13 Gitmo has not had much activity in the last few years.

ZL7 2/7/2/13 no call listed as of this date.

V63MJ 2/16/-2/23.

3Z0GC this one will be Juan Fernandez 2/20-3/8.


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