Forum List > DX Reports

DX Report 1/20/15


Miserable propagation in the last few days,couple this with high noise on the bands and you have the picture. We have the following:

FW5JJ, 7.007 0620Z.

EP6T 10.123 0200Z. Nothing heard of this station on 10 or 15 at this location, no spots on DXscape.

VU2VID 14.200 0155Z.

9V1PW 21.027 00:30Z

KH8Z 21.028 2240Z. This one has never had a big signal, but workable one.

With the miserable conditions and erratic operating of EP6T we are not expecting to work this one, in fact for the most part have written it off until we have better propagation. I am not pursuing a contact on 20 SSB and at this time would only hope for a cw contact on 20,15,10.   On 40 meters reports of the usual jamming have occurred making it almost impossible to hear the dx station.

Oh, BTW has anyone received qsl cards from the VU4 operations? We still have not received anything via the qsl manager and judging by the length of time that has passed since the last of the operations it may be well over a year, or longer before we see anything?

C5X is on often and working stations, in fact got him on 10,15 and requested my qsls via OQRS and via M0URX. Ok, that is it for now, hopefully we will have some improvement in propagation, but it does not look good for January.


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