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DX Comment 1/12/15


One thing I forgot to mention is that of EP3HF this station has been showing up on 15 meters for a few contacts. It is legit, however do not waste your money for a qsl card. On QRZ. com this op tells you that he cannot reply to qsl card requests. He has no manager, he has had offers, does not use LOTW, or EQSL no service to it. Thing is he states that it will cost $10.00 for a qsl card due to high mailing costs in Iran.

I heard one instance of of one state side station stating he had spent $18.00 and still no card. I personally will not bother with this station since I have Iran confirmed long ago. It would be nice for a contact on ten, or fifteen, but that will not happen. I am not spending $10.00 for a maybe, or being bilked for an endless amount of expenses. No, it is not that important.

There is of course an expedition planned for this month a ten man team from Europe, they will operate EP6T, but I quite frankly think they should be careful and they are risking their lives in this country. We shall see what develops if anything during this month?


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